

2012- Best Piece, 6th Annual Honors College Student Art Show, Kent, OH. Juried by Alexandra Nicholis of the Massillon Museum in Massillon, OH and Jeff Ingram of the Standing Rock Cultural Arts Center in Kent, OH. <http://www.kent.edu/news/newsdetail.cfm?newsitem=AFF0CA41-A9AA-4B41-052FF1D545CF03A5>

2008- Painting/Congressional Award Winner, Youth Art Exhibition, Cultural Center, Charleston, WV.

Solo Exhibtions.

2014- Beyond the Stone, Gold Derrick Gallery Sistersville, WV.


2012- 6th Annual Honors College Student Art Show, Honors College, Kent, OH.

2012- Student Annual Juried Exhibition, Kent State University's School of Art Gallery, Kent, OH.

2012- Dimensional Exhibition, William Busta Gallery, Cleveland, OH.  Exhibition curated by artist Michael Loderstedt. <http://www.kent.edu/news/newsdetail.cfm?newsitem=D3B06656-9ADD-6D7D-B585A1EC43731F86>

2011- Drawing V Exhibition, Gallery 425, Kent, OH.

2009- Digital Media Short Film Festival, Kent State University's School of Art Auditorium, Kent, OH. Juried by: Jorge Matthew Delarosa, Jenniffer Omaitz, and Joshua Parker.

2008- Congressional Art Competition, Washington, D.C.

2008- Youth Art Month Exhibition, Cultural Center, Charleston, WV.

2007- Youth Art Month Exhibition, Cultural Center, Charleston, WV.

2006- Youth Art Month Exhibition, Cultural Center, Charleston, WV.


2011- Set Designs for Rock the Runway, Venetian Carnival, Student Center Ballroom, Kent State University, Kent, OH.